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Contact Us

Unsure what system you have? Let us tell you.


Domestic Services

With over 80% of the homes that need to be built in the United Kingdom by 2050 already built and with ambitious Net Zero targets to achieve it is vital that we make our current housing stock  energy effiecient, comfortable and adaptable to the changing needs of residents and home owners. 
At EFAM Air we offer a number of services for the domestic client. Our teams are competent and complian and trained to the highest levels. 

Commercial Services

Commercial buildings must comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, Building Regulations Fire Safety 
Approved Document B, and BS9999, BS EN 15780. 
At EFAM Air, we service all types of buildings, with fully trained and competent teams to cover any requirement to satisfy your H&S conditions.
Social Housing Banner

Social Housing

Social housing requirements can be complex and here at EFAM Air, we have experience on finding the root cause of issues across the most challenging landscapes. 

All our team are fully trained to navigate tenant relationships and provide the most flexible services to cover your needs. 

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Communal Ventilation Systems

Our team can provide surveys and services on your     buildings and understand the full picture for your  premises, residents and businesses:
Whole System Survey | Cleanliness Survey | Fire Damper | Efficiency survey 

We can provide fire compartmentation services to help your facilities managers to comply with the latest legislation. 

Why ventilation matters

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Control Humidity
Control Humidity
Family life creates damp air. Properly maintained, your system controls this humidity.
Remove Pollution
Remove Pollution
Without proper ventilation, pollution concentrates more in your home than outside.
A properly maintained MVHR system reduces noise, drafts and insects inside your home.
Energy Savings
Energy Savings
30% of your heating energy can be saved with highly-efficient MVHR when kept in good order.

Contact us today

Get in touch

Let us solve your issues with ventilation across your domestic or commercial property.

All of the EFAM Air team are fully trained to help identify any issues with your property and can offer free expert advice to provide solutions for your problems. We offer free surveys with an engineer to provide a full-service solution.

Send a photo of your problem or give us a time to arrange a call and we will:

  • Arrange a time to send an engineer to your property for a comprehensive survey
  • Identify the root cause of the condensation, damp and/or mould problems in the property
  • Recommend a cost-effective solution to the issues that are affecting your enjoyment of the home

Get in touch today to see how air quality impacts your quality of life.

efam air