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Contact Us

Unsure what system you have? Let us tell you.

Commercial properties need a full 360 service 


Commercial buildings must comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, Building Regulations Fire Safety Approved Document B, and BS9999, BS EN 15780. 

At EFAM Air, we service all types of buildings, with fully trained and competent teams to cover all types of service arrangements. 



EFAM Air technicians can cover a whole range of ductwork, ventilation and passive fire protection services. 

Ventilation Supply & Extract | Air Conditioning Installation & Maintenance | AHUs | Ductwork Cleaning  | Filter replacement and cleaning | Louvres  | Car Park Ventilation

Ventilation system Balancing | Fan & System Commissioning | Plant Room Ventilation | Ductwork Installation DW144 Fire Rated Ductwork Installation & Maintenance 


Our Services

Passive Fire Protection 

Fire Damper Testing, Inspection and Maintenance | Fire Damper Commissioning and Installation
Kitchen Extract Systrems  | Compliance with NAAD21/TR19   
Fire Dampers testing, maintenance and installation is a key part of any passive fire protection strategy. 

Get in touch today

Reach out 

Let us solve your issues with ventilation across your domestic or commercial property.

All of the EFAM Air team are fully trained to help identify any issues with your property and can offer free expert advice to provide solutions for your problems. We offer free surveys with an engineer to provide a full-service solution.

Send a photo of your problem or give us a time to arrange a call and we will:

  • Arrange a time to send an engineer to your property for a comprehensive survey
  • Identify the root cause of the condensation, damp and/or mould problems in the property
  • Recommend a cost-effective solution to the issues that are affecting your enjoyment of the home

Get in touch today to see how air quality impacts your quality of life.

efam air